The Loneliness of Personal Growth
We’relikethecream。Whenthecreamrisestothetop,itseparatesit?selffrom the milk。 Perhaps that is what the New Age Movement is really allabout。Wefindourselveslonelyatthetop。Yes,itis。
Itisnodifferentwithpoliticalenlightenment,spiritualenlightenment, or even becoming enlightened about relating to each other。 The more mentally healthy you become, the more spiritual, the more balanced,the wealthier,themoreglobalyoubecome……themorealoneyoumayfeel。
Often, we find ourselves unable to find those other rare individuals whoarechoosingthesamepathasours。Thepathofsloppyandlazyisfull ofotherpeopletomeetandtalkto。Thepathofwhinersisfull。Thepathof being safe, generic, and boring is so crowded you almost cannot even move forward。 Isn’tthat whyyou left that path? You had aneed to move forward, a need for some elbowroom, a need to spread your arms wide, a need to be seen asspecial, unique, different。 The massesmayadmire you, buttheyare notgoingto be able to reallyrelate to you。 You willbe alone muchofthetime。
Donotbeafraidofthelonelinessofenlightenment。Donotforceoth-erstoagreewithyou。Simplygiveyourheartandknowthatyouare grow?ing and that they are free to grow or not。 It is the nature of the game。 We areallfreetochooseourpaths。